Thank you for using Vodca! Vodca is a flashcard app that values simplicity as the best virtue. We still have a long way to go, but we will continue to introduce great features through steady updates!

This page is updated periodically.


📖 Book List


The first screen you encounter after running the app is the flashcard book list. Here you can add and manage your flashcard books.

Adding a Book


Press the + button at the bottom to add a new book. After setting the book title, color, and language, press the "Add" button to add the book.

The language is used for speech voice and correct Chinese word notation. You can add or remove your preferred language in the settings.

Swipe Action and Context Menu



You can edit, bookmark, and delete flashcard books through swipe actions or context menus that pop up when you press down.

If you delete a word book, all words will be deleted and cannot be restored FOREVER.

🗒 Flashcard List


When you enter the book, the flashcard list appears. Ta-da~. You can add, memorize, and manage flashcards from the flashcard list.

Adding Flashcard
